The cultural Activism Network is a platform where upon cultural activists meet to define the logic of time, space and movement. A time to debate, reflect,interogate and discuss the "Art of Activism" from a cultural perspective. For the first time under the banner of Kanya College Cultural Activists are granted an oppertunity to engaged and exchange ideas and stratgies to create an enviroment conducive for the advancement of the arts.
The floor was open to an informal discuss by group coordinator Cde Menzi Mbobani a staff member, activist, fine artist and performer and member of Manofdapast Band while waiting for more activists to come through and share the space.
By definition we all agree that culture is a way of live; how we earn our living; our dress code, social behavior and social relationships. We are also of the view that culture is not static and it changes with time.
Activism on the other hand is the "effective engagement" to facilitate change or transformation of the unwanted, undesirable or for the advancement of a collective interest.
Cultural Activism has been defined as the "wholistic reviving" of the spirit of the masses.
On the Afrikan Continent cultural activism has played a major role in conscientizing the people about themselves in relation to the challenges imposed by colonial and apartheid authorities. The rise of Black Consciouseness was an attribute of cultural activism that emerged when a people could no longer tolerate the humilation, demonizing and condemnation of their languages, traditional practices by the Western authorities. Through the publication of creative writing, visual arts, protests poetry, revolutionary songs and various contemporary music desciplines like afro jazz, maskandi, reggae and iscatamiya folk songs cultural workers were able to mobilize the conscience of the masses in response to devastating social conditions they were faced with.
On the Crises of Resistance
Contemporary Cultural activism has taken centre stage since political Independence has been achieved by all Afrikan states, South Afrika been the last country to break the chain of apartheid. In South Afrika today, cultural activism has been retrenched to the latter by the authorities, by creating an enviroment that is not conducive for the development and growth of local arts, leaving the nation soulless and hopeless about their future in the new democratic dispesation.
The systematic silencing of cultural voices is the cause for frustrations thats amounts to self hate and suacidal relationships with the enviroment due to the dominations of foreign influences, beliefs, religious doctrinces and economic systems. As a results we are a nation characterized by predjudice, self pity, self deception, condemnation, isolation, negligence, greed, self centeredness violence and crime - the crises of resistance.
It has been scientifically proven that a conditioned mind, how ever "virtuous" that conditioning , cannot possibly be free and therefore cannot understand reality and the nature of its disorganization.
On the Role and relevance of Cultural Activism now.
As the voice, the eye and ear of society cultural activists believes that they are not mere spectators in this race for socio - economic change. As culture is an incubator for social transformation, we need to use our influence to once again mobilize and centralize the conscience of the massive. We need to campaign for non discriminatory policies. Strive for equality and social change; Renew our social mandate and perspective taking cognition of both old and new cultural heritage. Our prime role is to motivate and inspire the community.
The relevance of cultura activism is the restoration of the moral fibre of our divided society and we are of the understanding that for any economic revolution, there must be a cultural revolution.
Program of Action....
The Cultural Activists Network has met at the Museum Afrika, 4floor, Newtown to define, interrogate, and discuss cultural activism its role and relevance now and has made the following recommendations:
- The Cultural Activist must make it a tradition to meet, communicate and interact with each other on a time to time bases.
- Adopt the Nguzo Saba Principlas of Ubuntu Familyhood as a social tool to guide our idividual, organizational, family and communty activity.
- Members of the network to be proactive, constructive, participative and supportive of each others events, projects or collective interests.
- Members to observe and part take in the KWANZAA - "First Friuts Festival" as a way of evaluating of the progress made in transforming the self and community as well as reffirming once commitment to social change and transformation and positive growth and development.
A proposal by veteran cultural activist and author of "IZITHAKAZELO", to use a piece of land on his farm as an way of manifesting collective works and keep on engaging on issues concerning Culture and Activism.
As VDI SENSE LAB INSTITUTE we futher propose collaborative stage works in music, poetry and theatre with a theme relevant to the issues of collective interests and concern.
As SENSE Lab Institute we extent our gratitude to the organizers, to Khanya College and the Staff, to the Cultural Workers and Organizations that participated in the space - maximum respect, more works and more life. The arts is our strength. There can be no crises where there is understanding. Let's choose to learn to know, choose to learn to be, choose to unite and work together... upon time, upon space, upon movement...
VDI SENSE LAB INSTITUTE - "We bridge the gab in education and development through functional research, funtional arts and functional solutions" -
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