Friday, July 30, 2010

My Weakness

Oh! My weakness Oh! My weakness
My weakness is my kindness. I am a very kind person.Kind by nature.
I  a very down to earth individually,I am a very down to earthy personality.
I love my brother as I love myself.
I love my sister as I love myself.
I love them to reciprocate my love.

Oh! My weakness Oh! My weakness
Oh! I love people too much. So much so that they end up kicking me around like a football.Because of loving them too much,they under rate me
they under estimate me
They look down upon me
To them I a coward who comes with a tail hanging down.
The slum dog.
Oh! My weakness. My weakness is my love for the people.
I have suffered a lot ,trying to help people   all the times.
But, I can't help myself. It seems I love the wrong people, who can't reciprocate my love.My love for the people is killing me.
It is said in The Holy Bible,"Do not throw pearls to swines,because they will trample on them and then come after you."
So I have to be carefully ,whom I choose to love
Although love is blind , it  also needs logic.
Love also needs a foresight. Because sometimes you can get problems instead of the expected love.

Oh! My weakness Oh! My weakness
My weakness is loving people.But some children if you love too much they get spoiled.Some woman get spoiled if you show them too much love.
They take their man for granted.
They take their man for an imbecile.
They take their man for an idiot.
Some women if you treat them fairly you are a lost man.
Some wives abuses their husbands,their husbands suffer in silence.
The wives who do not know the meaning of equal rights and justice.
They use double standards.
They  think about themselves only.
Selfish women!

Oh! My weakness Oh! My weakness My weakness is loving the wrong people.
Instead of receiving love and respect, I get hatred.          
Some men beat the day-lights out of their women.
Beating up a woman is cowardice.
Beating up a woman is a sin.
Beating up a woman is immoral.
Women should be respected
Woman should be loved
Woman should be cherished.

Oh! My weakness Oh! My weakness

My weakness is loving children.
Children are the future.Children are the future leaders.
Children need sound , quality education.
Children need to be well brought up.
Children need  to be well groomed.
Children need to be well fed.
Children need to be healthy.
Children need to be spoiled with nice things,but they should not be spoiled in character and behaviour.

My weakness is procrastination
Procrastination is the thief of time
Time is the only  irreversible commodity. Time and tide wait for no  man.
Strike the iron while it's still hot.
Sometimes I love the wrong people.People who are self-centered.
People who are selfish and inconsiderate.
People whose hands are full of blood.
Some people I love suffer from inferiority complex
Some people I love suffer from superiority complex
I am confused.
I don't know what to do?

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